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eating habits
Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 3:48 AM

i am fretting because i had donuts and ice cream all day. highly unhealthy. i hope i don't get diabetic.

i feel like discussing something in the bible about eating.

many a time, people question my eating habits. why can't you eat pork? why can't you eat seafood? honestly, the questions isn't "why can't you..." but "why don't you..."

in Leviticus 11, God set the rules for what to eat and what not to eat. honestly, it's best to read the whole thing.. but here are the ones about pork & seafood.

Leviticus 11:4 "You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud."
Leviticus 11:7 "And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you."

Leviticus 11:9 "Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales."
Leviticus 11:10 "But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins or scales - whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water - you are to detest."

the thing is.. people tell me that these rules do not apply as God has given people a message through a vision to Peter, which is in Acts 10:9-16

Points people mention...
Acts10:11 "He saw heaven opened...large sheet being let down to earth..."
Acts10:12 "It contained all kinds of four-footed-animals... reptiles... birds..."
Acts10:13 "Then a voice told him, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.'"
Acts10:14 "'Surely not, Lord!' Peter replied. 'I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.'"
Acts10:15 "The voice spoke to him a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'"

Points people don't mention (and notes)...

This is just a part of a chapter (Acts 10). In the beginning part (v1-8), this man Cornelius has a vision of bringing back Peter from Joppa. Cornelius was a Gentile...
[For those who don't know, at that time only Jews were part of this religion and all other people were called Gentiles.]
Anyway, Cornelius was a Gentile. And at that time, Gentiles were not supposed to be included in evangelism waves, etc. Peter thought that way too...

This vision is God's revelation to Peter that all people are "clean", using the example of the clean & unclean foods.

Want more proof? Read on in Acts 10.

Acts 10:28 "He said to them: 'You are well aware that it is against our law for a Jew to associate with a Gentile or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.'"

Peter himself says it.

my point here is that.. don't read the Bible in just portions. like pieces of scripture picked out h
ere and there. the Bible works as a whole. read all you can of it. beautiful book..

finally, Happy Merdeka Day!!!

p.s. avril concert stuff later.


it's a phenomenon...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 7:26 AM

i never knew student council elections were this... extreme.

posted up on boards all around college, D floor. choose your candidate!

jon, my ex classmate in business leadership. he's a good guy.

don't know aqil very well, but nice banner.
sofia has a banner too but i didnt take a pic of it.

aqil's promises.

sofia's cookies. she offers drinks too!
but yeah she's a capable person.

the poster jon had to take down cos it said 'sexy'.

anyway i'm just going to wait til he gets home. sigh.

call me overprotective.


Sunday, August 24, 2008 at 6:07 AM

Gold Pegasus loves Brown Koala.

You are Gold Pegasus, who is extremely cheerful and seems like a very open person.
You can show consideration to others, and have a good sense of humor.
You are also a person who doesn't want to lose.
However, you can be very temperamental, and can suddenly become optimistic, and next minute you are very pessimistic.
You look for fancy atmosphere in daily life, but you know that is only to cover up for your own dissatisfaction and discontent.
You possess unworldly bilateral character.
You have very unique personality, and people who like you and those who don't are clearly divided.
You tend to be audacious, but you must be careful when you use it.
Because Gold Pegasus people tend to be divided into those who exhibit great talent and those who can go stray from the right path.
Unlike your confident attitude, you are rather too nervous, sensitive and can easily change or give up your objectives.
Your natural instinct is fabulous, and you have a passionate personality.
You tend to lead life with lots of emotional ups and downs.
You dislike being restricted, and prefer to enjoy freedom, and this will not change even after you get married.
Therefore there is a chance of you getting divorced.

You are Brown Koala who does not try to make yourself look grand.
You are naturally good natured, and although you tend to be bit aloof from the world, you have warmness that attracts people.
You are a person of integrity.
People think you as someone who is always by their side.
You give an impression of someone easy to get on with.
You have grace and intelligence, and there's something about you that makes other people admire you.
You have a very sensitive personality.
You may have cried your eyes out by watching an emotional film.
Your sensitiveness makes you not trust others easily.
But even if you can not trust them, you will not get in a conflict.
You think high of your senses and a will power to put into action.
You are extremely good at handling work as well as personal relationships.
You dislike having to bow down to authority.
You have a strong will to stand against something that is unreasonable, and will refuse orders even if it is from your boss.
You have a fighting spirit that you don't show often.
You tend to place your self a step back in a society, so you lack ambition and a desire to succeed.
But because of this, you don't have desire for material things, and will gain trust of the others.
You are kind to those around you, and hard on yourself.


Friday, August 22, 2008 at 9:35 AM

i realize lots has happened that i have not taken into account. so here's like some updates about what's going on...
earlier on this month there was a durian festival!!!
we volunteered to help out, n got to eat lots too!
here i am with liberata - her first encounter with durians.

i think this came first but oh well.
charlie and may.
miss you both. and ying too.

what they did to my face and hair for the maggi video shoot thing.
my gosh. i hate makeup.
and i am never natural in front of a video camera. eww.

i worked for peter as his commis.
at the end when i took my hair out of the cap...
the commis beside me said "OMG you're a girl?!?"

my starter!!! well, peter's starter.
he guided me on how to make it and did the deep frying.
i'll learn how to make it myself next time - not too hard.

peter's seabass!!! (it's the rolled up thing)
it looks good enough for me! ^-^
hope you get good marks.

my foot.
you see the purple mark?
that's a bruise. don't know how i got it.

the pic's a bit blurry i guess.
ninjutsu intensive with the seremban boys!
spot me in olive green.

that's all folks.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 8:34 AM

.4th kyu.
maybe i'm a little too into it.
do i look like i care?


Saturday, August 16, 2008 at 8:55 AM

my beloveds. haha. i know they look a bit misshapen.
darn. the one on top is an apple crumble.

yeah go ahead and say ouch. ninjutsu la.
what to do.
the end.


apple theory
Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 9:38 AM

when it comes to friendship in trios, i have an apple theory.

if there were 3 apples... 2 big, and one small... which one would you take?

some types of friends would take the big one, and have it for themselves... and the last one is a rotten egg, and gets the small one.

some types of friends would take the smaller one, but fret over the decision later and feel upset and deprived, and ready to claim what was his own.

some types of friends plan to take the smaller one, but in essence they want the big one and somtimes take it anyway.

and there are some types of friends...

who take that small apple willingly... keep it away from the other two, so that they never get the worse deal. there would be no regrets, no conflict, no pain and no damage. and finally, that type of person would stop and eat the apple with you in public.

which type of friend are you?


set menu!
Monday, August 11, 2008 at 7:36 AM


i forgot the set menu. darn it.

SET MENU 1: RM 9.00


SET MENU 2: RM 10.00


SET MENU 3: RM 9.00


SET MENU 4: RM 10.00


ok i decided i'd do a bit of a bulk order instead. wednesday is TRIAL day - come and taste, but if you can't get some (sorry cos it'd be a small order) don't worry cos i'd order more for thu and fri.

outside the cafeteria! come and get it!


why the menu?
Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 9:46 AM

forgot to mention the motive of that menu.

basically, the hotel management students are collaborating with challenge n change students to raise funds for peace day, which will be celebrated on the 19th of september!

every sale will contribute between rm1 - rm2 to the fund, depending on the volume ordered (as i will be able to negotiate bulk prices).

orders need to come in 1-2 days in advance, please. :)

if there's anything - yeah, contact me.


LAZLO menu!!!
at 9:18 AM

here is the menu for the LAZLO food sales! all of you who want to order please contact me! food will be available exclusively on wednesday, thursday and friday on campus but BY ORDER only...
"sup nam tuyet"
clavaria soup
rm 3.50
"goi du du"
young papaya salad
rm 3.50

"xoi ga"
chicken glutinous rice
rm 4.00

"pho bo"
beef noodle soup
rm 6.00

"rau cau"
rm 2.00

"pink lady"
rm 2.50

like i said, it is by order only, this wednesday to friday during lunch time (11am-2pm) so please contact me asap.


i am a failed blogger.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 1:34 AM

i dont blog at all lately. ming han was right. *gasps*

nah i am going to be better. well what's up with me?

went to the 2nd malaysian student leaders summit and i think i took it lots better than i did the first. some people actually remembered me - like WOW. i was such a dodo head last year man. dont think i made an impression at all.

i enjoyed the discussion sessions - we talked about foreign policy of malaysia. i am just happy that i can think slightly more maturely than before. *grins*

that aside, we had a presentation on economist james shikwati (check him out - cool dude. would love to meet him.) i have this longing to go to africa suddenly. omg. not that it's a bad thing. i'll see how it goes - might be rad to go there for a trip first to see what i'm in for.

what else has there been? tests i guess. ladida. i'll post up the pictures in my facebook n all. if i ever get down to it. oh yes ninjutsu is starting up in taylors SJ and PJ, so YAY! :) i just hope i'll have enough time to get my things done.

hope to go for avril's concert. i'll just see if i can get the tix i like.

that's about it for me. sorry i have a boring blog.

-the end for now-


Friday, August 1, 2008 at 6:41 AM

i've been writing poetry since i was rather young.

i don't know if i wanna share any.

all the things we said.

everything is so far away right now.

i love where i am, but i just...

